Produkty Pitania is on the “Green List” of Russia’s Greenpeace
In June 2004 the Greenpeace of Russia published its Consumer’s Guidelines “How to Avoid Products with GM Ingredients?” The Guidelines were meant to inform the public of food industry enterprises which had abandoned genetically modified sources and to disclose the names of the enterprises still using GM ingredients in their products.
Produkty Pitania was entered in the “Green List” of these Guidelines as an agency which had abandoned genetically modified food sources in its production processes.
As was pointed out by Vice President Damir Imamovich, the continuous laboratory testing of the Company’s products for GM content during 2003 – 2004 revealed no non-conformance with statutory standards.
“Our Quality Control Division was set up as early as August 2000 and it is constituted by bacteriological and microbiological laboratories,” says Damir Imamovich. “They allow QC/QA-ing of our products in all phases of the production process starting with the food staples. Free from GM components, our foods are ecologically safe. Ready-to-cook meals of all categories are produced so as maintain the equilibrium of minerals, salts, and vitamins contained in the products.”
There is currently no state GM food source control system in
“The more bona fide producers and good products there are on the Russian market, the less room there is left for harmful products”, thinks Damir Imamovich. “We at Produkty Pitania strive to meet the need of the Russian people for a well-balanced diet by supplying them with chicken meat as an animal protein source. We consider it our main goal to satiate this market with high-quality and ecologically safe products produced in