Produkty Pitania Corporate Newsletter
— 2005-12-12 —


As Russia’s largest manufacturer of frozen convenience foods, product quality is our highest priority at Produkty Pitania.  With that in mind, we use the most advanced technologies to ensure state-of-the-art quality control throughout the production cycle - from the delivery of raw materials through final production.

We use a variety of methods - both traditional organoleptic inspection and a more sophisticated chemical analysis - to maintain quality.  In doing so, we examine each product’s salt, protein, fat, and bone fragment content, while also checking for signs of disease and contamination.  What’s more, the Kaliningrad Center for Standards, Metrology and Certification awarded our production laboratory certificate # 24 - 2004 of 06.22.04, which signifies its full compliance with existing quality standards.

All of the company’s products are also examined in accordance with Sanitary Rules and Standards, entitled "Hygienic Safety and Nutrition Norms for Foods,” using two microbiologic criteria and one physical and chemical criterion to test for toxic elements, pesticides, antibiotics, radioactive nuclides, micro-toxins, etc.  These tests are performed at accredited laboratories, including the AtlantNIRO Research Center and the Kaliningrad Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. Additionally, raw materials used in the production process undergo a battery of tests at the Kaliningrad Interregional Veterinarian Laboratory, AtlantNIRO Research Center, and the Kaliningrad Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

These tests have consistently shown that Produkty Pitania’s raw and auxiliary materials are fully compliant with the provisions of Sanitary Rules and Standards, with regard to all safety guidelines, including physical, chemical, and microbiological criteria. Moreover, all auxiliary materials come with the following documents: quality certificates and declarations, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, registration certificates, origination certificates, veterinarian certificates, and waybills. Drinking water used in production has also been certified as hygienic under Sanitary Rules and Standards  

 Our production facility meets all standards of excellence as set forth in the Sanitary Rules for Meat Producing Facilities # 3238-85, and demonstrated by sanitary and epidemiological statement #М.008627.11.04 of 11.09.2004, issued by the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in Kaliningrad.  In addition, all of our products are thermally processed, rendering them completely safe for consumption.

  Produkty Pitania’s entire product line has also been certified as compliant with all safety and quality standards by the Products and Services Certification Authority of the Kaliningrad Center for Certification and Metrology.  Our company is fully compliant with the existing law “On Special Economic Areas,” as well as and with all relevant Decrees of the Russian Government. Being one of Kaliningrad’s major investors and employers, we have become a corporate leader in the region, closely following all government safety and trade regulations, and investing in state-of-the-art technologies with which to constantly improve the quality of our products.