Produkty Pitania Company introduces a new selection of vegetable products under its Zolotoy Petushok trademark
Produkty Pitania Company announced introduction of new vegetable products under Zolotoy Petushok trademark.
With its Zolotoy Petushok frozen foods line moving full force ahead, Produkty Pitania has added a few new selections to its portfolio of vegetable products. Before long, Russians everywhere will be eating the company’s newly marketed vegetable nuggets and breaded broccoli and cauliflower, along with its “tried and true” potato crockets with ham, breaded vegetable sticks with broccoli, and vegetable sticks made with green peas, carrots, and corn.
As Russian demand for healthier foods continues to grow, the company is expanding its vegetarian line, which is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals. Using original Russian recipes, these vegetable entrees may be served as a separate course, or as a side dish with meat or fish.
As Tea Grguric, Produkty Pitania’s Vice-President for Marketing puts it, “Taking care of Russian consumers has always been a priority for us, which is why we work so hard to develop products that meet their needs and expectations. Frozen vegetable meals are currently enjoying greater demand than ever before because they are an integral part of any well-balanced meal. Our products pave the way for customers to lay a “green” table, regardless of the season.”
All of these new frozen veggies will hit the grocery case in newly redesigned packages, as part of the company’s global marketing strategy to build stronger brand recognition and loyalty for its Zolotoy Petushok frozen foods line. Under the new packaging system, vegetable products are wrapped in green for easy identification.