Produkty Pitania Company is completing installation of new treatment facilities from a famous German supplier Huber Technology
— 2008-01-23 —

The management of the company made this announcement at the press conference that was held in Kaliningrad.

Vice-President of the company Damir Imamovic says that despite the fact that existing and regularly updated treatment facilities are capable of delivering satisfactory performance in treating discharge into LesnayaRiver and that discharge contains no harmful substances, the management of the company decided to purchase and install new treatment facilities. This initiative is aimed at meeting new treatment objectives, which may grow too high for existing plant after the expansion of Produkty Pitania’s capacity, which is expected in the nearest future.

Specialists of the company spent two months looking for a contractor that would conform to the plant’s main requirement of ensuring maximum quality of production effluents treatment based on the most advanced technologies.  The selection process included preparation of requirements specification for the consequent international tender.  As a result, two companies including Huber technology and a well-known Austrian company were selected as bid finalists.

- We held a meeting with the management of Kaliningrad Sanitary and Epidemiological Office for representatives of these companies and the discussion at the meeting helped us understand that Huber Technology was better prepared to assist us in achieving our objectives, Damir Imamovic explained.

Representatives of Produkty Pitania Company visited a plant in Lithuania, which has been using the same type of treatment facilities.  We looked at the plant, studied their experience, considered all pros and contras and only after that signed the contract.

A Huber Technology engineer Johan Kinzel said to the press that his company had began its operations late in the nineteenth century and that it had an international reputation of a successful producer. The equipment produced by Huber Technology is in operation in Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, and Belgium. It was the first time that the company intended to install its equipment in Russia.

Huber Technology’s water treatment process is elaborate and almost entirely computerized.  Water is discharged after two stages of treatment including mechanical and chemical stages followed by a special phase of biological treatment at the plant’s existing facilities. In other words, the discharged water meets all sanitary standards.


Following the example of colleagues from Lithuania, the company will make good use of water treatment products, which contain a lot of proteins and are good fertilizers. They are used in this capacity in all countries of Europe where equipment from Huber Technology is installed.


The completion of equipment installation is expected in three weeks, after which the commissioning phase and personnel training will begin.

The main feature of the new treatment facilities compared to those that were previously installed at the plant is that the former are fully automated. Only four people will be required to ensure maintenance of this equipment and these people will all be local residents.

Investments in construction of the new treatment plant amount to more than one million euros with 550 thousand euros of equipment cost.  Environmental safety has always been and will remain a priority for Produkty Pitania Company and investments in environmental projects will continue after the new treatment facilities are installed and commissioned.