Produkty Pitania Company participates in Kaliningrad Economic Forum dedicated to Developing Small and Medium Businesses in Kaliningrad Region
The Company took part in the Kaliningrad Economic Forum Developing Small and Medium Businesses in Kaliningrad Region as the Most Important Economic Growth Driver and a Contribution to Integration of the Region in Europe’s Economy. On May 30, 2008 our Company took part in the Kaliningrad Economic Forum Developing Small and Medium Businesses in Kaliningrad Region as the Most Important Economic Growth Driver and a Contribution to Integration of the Region in Europe’s Economy. The Forum was held in Gusev,
A delegation of authorities comprised of G. Boos, Kaliningrad Region Governor, V. Shumeiko, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Chairman of the Management Board of Kaliningrad Fellowship, the Governor’s Representative in the city of Moscow; S. Bulychev, Chairman of the Regional Duma; B. Gryzlov, Chairman of the Russian State Duma; V. Shipov, State Secretary and Deputy Minister for Regional Development of the Russian Government; N. Tulaev, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia; A. Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Mika Lahikainen, a representative of the delegation from Finland delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.
The opening ceremony also included a tour of exhibition stands from
In the course of our participation in the exhibition we distributed information packages about our company, which included booklets about our operations, the range of our products, and the range of products for food-service partners, corporate business cards, and business souvenirs. We held negotiations with representatives of local private enterprises interested in distribution of our products and received a number of employment questionnaires filled out by those who would like to apply for jobs at the new plant we are building in Gusev.