Training event for regional trade representatives of the company held at the plant in Kaliningrad
On July 15-16 Kaliningrad hosted another training event for regional trade representatives of the company. On day 1 of their visit they had a tour of Produkty Pitania Plant production shops, hosted by Lidia Belozerova, Chief Technologist of New Products and Development Department. After the tour of production premises event participants attended a tasting session to enjoy some of the plant’s products. The next day following presentation of reports, Aleksei Sitkarev, Sales Director, introduced near-term goals and objectives and development plans of the company to the training event participants.
Event participants shared their expectations and experiences during a brief session with Olga Anashkova, Senior HR Manager
Aleksei Levozhinsky, Tander Chain Manager, Krasnodar, employed by the Company in November 2007:
«It takes excellent product knowledge to sell it. One should like the product, know everything about it and be certain as to the quality of the product. It was here that I for the first time saw the way a production facility operates. I especially liked the way production lines equipment works.»
Natalia Kravchenko, Sales Supervisor, Krasnodar .
Natalia works for the Company for five years. Itisherthirdvisittotheplant. Natalia believes that regular seminars are essential for regional representatives because production is growing and expanding permanently. This time she had a tour of lasagna and dough products shops. «At these seminars we feel part of a large team that works toward a common goal».
Andrey Bondar, Regional Manager, SOUTH Krasnodar
Works for the company since April 2008. He came to see the production plant and the products he is going to sell. He took a report in his work to the seminar. «I hope that my performance will be appreciated. At the seminar I expect to learn from the unique experience of my colleagues».
Keto Rusishvili, Sales Supervisor, Voronezh:
«By attending such grand events one can improve his product knowledge, get charged with the energy that can be passed on to one’s partners. The status of a sales manager grows through such initiatives. Our partners treat us with great respect as employees who know production processes and are aware of product quality. As a result – they trust us as qualified partners and they trust our products, too!».