Tours of new treatment facilities for plant workers
In order to introduce industrial waste treatment and utilization technologies to employees the Human Resources Department in cooperation with Chief Engineer’s Department organize tours of new treatment facilities for groups of employees. Managers, shop masters, storage freezers workers and plant workers comprised the first group of visitors. Currently departments are working to organize tours for those who work in the Sanitary Control Department. Tours are guided by Steam Power and Gas Division staff: Sazhin Vitaly Eduardovich – water supply, treatment and channeling mechanic, Malysheva Olesya Alexandrovna – Chemical Engineer, Kolychev Oleg Anatolievich – treatment facilities operator.
They explain in detail the importance and specific features of these facilities, provide sound statistics and answer questions.
The goal of these tours is to provide information about the major and investment-intensive project of the year 2008 and to build the attitude of active participation throughout the chain with workers who are encouraged to participate in production at all stages that eventually follow through to treatment of waste waters in accordance with environmental standards.