“Produkty Pitania” group of companies invests in hatchery
New investment project and new stage of company development
“Produkty Pitania” group of companies integrates TPC “Baltptitseprom” in the acting structure of the Group and starts to realize new hatchery project.
Our goal – care for consumers’ quality food
Basis for development strategy of our business are the constant investments in product quality, technologies, production and new projects to extend the assortment.
TPC “Baltptitseprom” – the new investment project of “Produkty Pitania” group of companies aimed to provide growing need of Russian consumers with quality and affordable chicken meat.
- Now “Produkty Pitania” manufactures not only frozen convenience food but breeds own poultry.
- Control of production process and quality of products within full cycle: from chicken feeding to the finished product.
- “Produkty Pitania” company significantly extended the assortment portfolio and enlarged the portfolio with one of the most famous brand in Kaliningrad – “Baltptitseprom” (increase in assets of company)
- Possibility to satisfy needs in poultry meat not only for Kaliningrad region population but also to provide consumers all around Russia with poultry meat and products of high quality.
- Company distribution network is well developed and provides representation of quality products, broiler carcass and other assortment of “Baltptitseprom” not only in Kaliningrad but in the other regions of RF.
- As the result the new investment project will let the company to increase sales and market share. TPC “Baltptitseprom” – the only one in Kaliningrad region and one of the biggest in Russia manufacturers of chicken-broilers meat.
- Main business lines of the company: Production and process of chicken-broilers meat, semi-finished and sausage products for restaurant business.