Produkty Pitania will invest $200 million to build a state-of-the art frozen foods production facility in the Kaliningrad region
— 2006-02-26 —


 Produkty Pitania will invest an estimated $200 million to build a state-of-the-art frozen foods storage and production plant in Gusev, Kaliningrad. 

On Sunday, the Gusev Municipal Administration joined Produkty Pitania Invest LC to seal the deal with an investment agreement.  According to the Kaliningrad region’s Government Press Department, the new facility will produce a line of dough, vegetable, and meat-based frozen convenience foods - including croissants, pizzas, pancakes, pelmenis, lasagna, ready-made meals, and preserved foods.  

Built in accordance with existing environmental, sanitation, and epidemiological regulations, the proposed plant will total 110,000 square meters.  As such, Produkty Pitania anticipates a maximum production capacity of around 600 tons a day there. 

The company’s President, Stefano Vlahovic, said that "nobody would make these large investments without guaranteeing support from state authorities. In this case, we have the blessing of both federal and regional government officials, as well as the Gusev Municipal Administration.”

According to the region’s Administrative Press Department, Kaliningrad’s Governor, Georgy Boos, refers to the project as "an efficient investment project, which is creating new jobs,” and that it  will "undoubtedly contribute a great deal to the social and economic development of the Gusev municipal unit". 

Founded in 1994, Produkty Pitania currently operates its own plant in Kaliningrad, as well as its own distribution network, which covers all of Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenia.