Sergey Stepashin, Chairman of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation, Gives Produkty Pitania High Marks
— 2006-03-10 —

Moscow, March 10 2006. According to the Produkty Pitania Company, Russia’s largest producer of frozen convenience foods, a delegation from the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation gave the company “thumbs up” after visiting its Kaliningrad plant.

Upon touring the plant, the Audit Chamber’s Chairman, Sergey Stepashin, remarked on both its state-of-the-art technology and the tight quality control process used in producing its Zolotoy Petushok and Domashnaya Skazka products. “It is a modern processing plant, which demonstrates active development and delivers truly high-quality products,” he said.

Kaliningrad’s Governor G. Boos also took part in the plant visit, noting that Produkty Pitania is a key contributor when it comes to developing the Russian frozen foods market, as well as the local agricultural complex.  He went on to say “I believe that the authorities are supposed to create a favorable environment for fair competition and that the market should also be objective and fair.”

Produkty Pitania’s management has always maintained an open dialogue with state authorities, including those who are responsible for product quality audits and Russian hygiene standards.  What’s more, the company adheres to a strict policy when it comes to working within the legal guidelines established for Kaliningrad’s free economic zone, adapting its business practices accordingly.

As Produkty Pitania President Stefano Vlahovic emphasized “Safety comes first.  From the very start, our company has been particularly focused on maintaining very stringent sanitary standards at all of its production plants. We are also committed to keeping pace with the latest European standards, continually upgrading our sanitation control system to stay ahead of the game.”