Sergey Stepashin Gives Produkty Pitania High Marks
— 2006-03-11 —

Russian Audits Chamber Chairman Sergey Stepashin recently visited Produkty Pitania’s Kaliningrad production facility in an effort to personally follow up on his agency’s audits, one of which appeared negative to the company’s operations.  Kaliningrad’s Governor Georgy Boos accompanied him on the tour.

Stepashin met with Produkty Pitania’s President, Stefano Vlahovic, to tour the company’s Kaliningrad plant, saying “It’s better to see it for myself than to hear about it from others sitting in Moscow.  And I want to wish Produkty Pitania good luck and continued success.  From what I could see, the employees are well paid, the facility is clean, and there wasn’t an unhappy face there!”

The two men discussed several pressing issues, including the fact that imported chickens are currently cheaper to purchase than those bred in Russia.  But after touring the plan, Stephashin emphasized that Produkty Pitania had used its capital funds wisely in developing its business.  Governor Boos echoed this sentiment, adding that the recent negative media uproar over the company’s plans to build a new $200 million plant in Gusev was an example of dishonest competition.