A simple alternative for healthy eating
— 2006-04-21 —


Slaving away over a hot stove after a hard day at work is a chore that most of us would rather avoid.  But on the other hand, we also want to sit down to a meal that’s both healthy and delicious.  Produkty Pitania can help you do both with its Zolotoy Petushok line of frozen convenience foods. 

At Produkty Pitania, we want every product to taste homemade and be easy to prepare.  So we put a lot of time and thought – sometimes as much as six months - into developing each recipe, using our rigorous quality management system.  What’s more, shock freezing preserves all of the food’s tasty ingredients, as well as its essential vitamins and other nutrients. 

It used to be that convenience foods were relatively low in quality and limited in selection. Zolotoy Petushok has changed all of that by offering a much broader and far more appetizing range of products for those who lead an active and successful lifestyle.  Put simply, Zolotoy Petushok offers consumers a simple alternative for healthy eating!