A recipe for quality from Zolotoy Petushok
— 2006-05-17 —



Recently, Produkty Pitania invited a local writer to tour one of its plants.  Naturally curious, she accepted the invitation, anxious to find out what the company had to offer.

But instead of a traditional plant, she saw what amounted to a production city, with many buildings and even its own private railway for taking the more than 50 types of products to consumers all across Russia.  She was particularly amazed at the plant’s gleaming equipment and sanitation standards, along with its strict quality control and modern automation – which of course meant fewer employees in each workshop. 

After returning from Kaliningrad to Moscow, she went to her dacha with friends, taking a box of Zolotoy Petushok Grill Wings with her.  And of course, her friends loved the meal, and even asked her for the pickle recipe.  Laughing, she regaled them for the rest of the evening about the wonders of Produkty Pitania’s exceptional line of frozen convenience foods.