Produkty Pitania’s President, Stefano Vlahovic, takes to the air at Echo of Moscow radio station
— 2006-05-23 —

Program host: Aleksei Dykhovichny

Moscow radio has a new voice these days – Produkty Pitania’s President, Stefano Vlahovic. 

Vlahovic recently took to the air to discuss the future of Russian convenience foods, along with other company-related issues.  He touched upon a number of interesting frozen food issues from taste and nutritional properties to high-tech production methods and the ratio of imported to Russian-bred chickens used in the company’s Zolotoy Petushok and Domashnaya Skazka product lines. 

One topic of particular interest was avian flu – with Vlahovic going into great detail about Produkty Pitania’s tight sanitary control process, particularly with regard to raw materials.  He emphasized his company’s state-of-the-art deep freezing method, which is used to eliminate the risk of contamination, while also ensuring product freshness. What’s more, he underscored Produkty Pitania’s commitment to consumer safety by reiterating that it uses no preservatives in its products, thanks to this advanced method of freezing.

He also explained that Produkty Pitania takes great pains at the shipping point to ensure that its chicken products do not contain genetically modified components, adding that the company refuses to accept shipment on any raw materials found to contain these components.  Vlahovic went on to talk about the many advantages of doing business in Kaliningrad’s free economic zone, an especially positive aspect of Russian operation. He then unveiled his company’s soon to be released “chocolate chicken,” product, extracting a promise from the program host to try it as soon as it hits the market. 

Vlahovic ended the broadcast with a conversation about healthy lifestyles, saying that individual lifestyles, not convenience food, are responsible for the many problems associated with eating too much.  Citing his company’s commitment to nutrition, he added that a balanced diet is the best way to reduce the harmful effects of overindulgent eating.