Produkty Pitania Company salutes Kaliningrad’s history at City Day celebration
— 2006-07-01 —


Produkty Pitania was on hand to welcome Kaliningrad residents to City Day festivities on July 1 and 2. 

Company representatives passed out festive balloons - with the company’s Zolotoy Petushok trademark – as residents entered the City of Craftsmen, where they celebrated Kaliningrad’s 60th anniversary as a thriving Russian business center. 

Produkty Pitania’s Deputy General Director Gerasimova Galina Alekseevna said, “Last year we marked the 750th anniversary of our city and this year it is the 60th anniversary of its Russian history.  Like our company, Kaliningrad is a young and rapidly developing economic hub, and so we are delighted to celebrate our growth together.”