Produkty Pitania Once Again Receives Top Awards from the Foundations for Consumer Rights
— 2006-12-15 —


Once again, Produkty Pitania Company has earned top honors from the Russian and Moscow Foundations for Consumer Rights, awarded in three categories: Best in Russia, Best in Moscow and Best in the Moscow Region. 

These contests held in December, recognize the country’s leading suppliers of goods and services.   Produkty Pitania first entered in July 2004, and has since received  “laureate” status for its high-quality products.  This year, the company focused its energy on building customer relations, having launched a unique consumer website at  As an essential piece of a special marketing program, the website is designed to bolster consumer loyalty, while also identifying consumer preferences.  

First Deputy Chairman of the foundation, Alexander Duchitsky, presented the awards to Produkty Pitania’s Vice-President, Damir Imamovic. 

“We are particularly proud of this achievement in that it reflects how Russian consumers view our success. We need to hear their opinions and heed their suggestions, which are far more important than any political recognition. In fact, our knowledge, efforts, and innovations are worthless if our customers cannot appreciate them.  So in return for their respect, we will always retain our high standards,” Imamovic said.

Produkty Pitania is Russia’s largest producer of frozen convenience foods, which it packages under the Zolotoy Petushok and Dmoashnaya Skazka labels.  As one of Kaliningrad’s most notable investors, the company employs more than 1,800 people, including the 1,500 employees who work in its plants.  Currently, Produkty Pitania operates production facilities totaling 56,000 square meters in Kaliningrad, and an elaborate distribution network covering Russia and parts of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.