Foods for the Future
— 2006-09-12 —

Agrika will begin producing ready-made frozen foods.

Ready-to-prepare entrees represent one of the most promising and dynamic segments in the Russian frozen convenience foods market, with an average annual growth of around 19%.  And according to Produkty Pitania’s Vice-President, Damir Imamovic, up until now there are only a few significant market players, with no clear leaders.

“In my opinion this segment is far from being saturated, as opposed to pelmenis and convenience meat.” 

Referring to consumer data provided by the ROMIR Group, Imamovic also pointed out that up to 60 million Russians (or around 48% of the nation’s total population) regularly eat frozen foods.

“The Russian convenience foods market is definitely ready to expand its product line for middle and low-income families.  But if we are talking about greatly increasing the number of premium frozen food offerings, research data indicates that although consumers are anxious to try these products, they generally don’t purchase them on a regular basis,” Imamovic explained.