Produkty Pitania Joins the Russian Federation Council in Kaliningrad to Open its Regional Days of Kaliningrad Exhibition
— 2006-12-27 —



The December exhibition (timed to coincide with the Days of Kaliningrad Celebration), recognized prominent local entrepreneurs.  With that in mind, Kaliningrad’s Governor Georguy Boos joined Federation Council representatives and Produkty Pitania executives for the opening ceremonies. 

 Prior to the kick-off, Boos reported on the region’s socio-economic prospects at a meeting of the Council’s Federal Assembly. Produkty Pitania’s Vice-President, Damir Imamovic, also offered a detailed overview of his company’s 2006 market performance, along with plans for further development in 2007.  And Sergey Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council, helped Produkty Pitania unveil its new line of gourmet products, by attending a cooking demonstration at the company’s booth.