Consumer safety is Produkty Pitania’s number one priority
— 2007-04-26 —


After touring Produkty Pitania’s state-of-the-art production facility, this journalist had an opportunity to see first-hand the company’s comprehensive quality management system in action – and there is plenty of good news to report, beginning with its strong commitment to consumer protection.

According to Galina Gerasimova, General Director of Produkty Pitania Combine, “As Russia’s leading convenience foods producer, Produkty Pitania regards consumer safety among its top priorities – which is why we are continually improving our quality management systems, periodically expanding the number of product checks and quality specialists.”

In fact, before these frozen convenience foods – packaged under the company’s popular Zolotoy Petushok and Domashnaya Skazka brands – ever hit the grocery shelves, they undergo a exhaustive, multi-step quality control process at the production facility.  It begins by using only the highest quality raw materials, certified by the Kaliningrad Center of Certification and Metrology; thereby ensuring a product that is free from infectious disease.  And should Produkty Pitania’s team of production specialists discover any deficient materials at the plant, they immediately segregate and dispose of them.  

Step two involves operational and technical control at various production stages, with each product lot subject to various lab tests, which check for bacteria and other product safety issues. This step is particularly critical to the company’s sanitary and hygiene compliance control cycle, which remains in play throughout the production cycle. But the process continues even past the actual production phase, with post-production lab testing performed by a certified lab especially contracted for this purpose. 

It all adds up to a highly effective system, conducted by dedicated and responsible specialists, with consumer health and safety firmly in mind.  Indeed, Produkty Pitania is so committed to quality control that it is now building a new high-tech laboratory to be equipped with the latest in chemical and microbiological testing equipment.  The company is also installing a Risk Analysis and Critical Control Points system, which was developed under NASA order (a mandatory system for food producers in both the EU and the United States).