Produkty Pitania Company expands the range of its ready-to-eat lunches from Zolotoy Petushok
— 2008-02-13 —


Produkty Pitania Company expands its range of ready-to-eat lunches and introduces a series of new Zolotoy Petushok products including Bolognese Macaroni, Canneloni Chicken Rolls and Macaroni with Meat and Sauce (meatballs, vegetable sauce). These products are traditional for Russian consumers and they are positioned in Produkty Pitania’s major price category of Medium/Medium+. In addition to these three courses the company introduces a premium segment product – Lasagna Primavera. This product will expand the most recently introduced Delicacies product line. 

The positive sales results demonstrated by existing ready-to-eat lunches proved that the company’s expectations for the development of this market segment were correct and prompted the producer to develop new products.  

In addition to the new products, the ready-to-eat lunches product line currently comprises five more kinds of lasagna and six types of premium restaurant courses.

All of the three new products are based on dough products made of high-quality hard wheat. Two types of meat including pork and beef are used in production of Bolognese Macaroni complete with piquant tomato paste, carrots and aromatic dressing. Filling of Canneloni includes tender chicken meat with tomato sauce, cheese, onions and spices. Macaroni with Meat and Sauce (meatballs, vegetable sauce) are especially juicy due to the sauce, which contains runner beans, cauliflower and salad pepper in addition to traditional ingredients.

Lasagna Primavera stands out among other similar meals within the same product line thanks to its extraordinary recipe. Its filling includes pieces of chicken breast fillets, broccolis, carrots, corn, cheese and aromatic spices. Béchamel sauce highlights the tenderness of the product.

Produkty Pitania Company first launched production of its ready-to-eat lunches early in 2005. The first meal within this product line was lasagna, initially introduced as double cake with a range of fillings: meat, vegetables and mushrooms. In 2007 the ready-to-eat lunches category was further expanded with the line of Delicacies, which comprised restaurant handmade meals.

Each product in this category represents a full vale lunch for offices or quick to cook dinner at home. The special heat-resistant tray ensures that it is possible to cook the meal in ovens or microwaves without taking it out of the tray. 

The new products are delivered in user-convenient packages of optimal product weight: Macaroni with Meat and Sauce, Bolognese Macaroni - 350 g, Canneloni Chicken Rolls - 400 g.

The design of packages includes the orange checks, which represent the brand signal traditional for this product category. Retail prices for these products are at the level of 75 rubles.

Lasagna Primavera is delivered is optimal weight trays of 370 g. Product package design is light and exquisite similarly to that of all other Delicacies.  Retail price of lasagna is at the level of 85 rubles in the premium segment. 

All new products are already available at Kaliningrad’s retail chains and in the nearest future they will also be available in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other regions of Russia.

Produkty Pitania Vice-President Damir Imamovic said: «The development of modern production processes leads to a situation where consumers are not able to prepare a meal at home at a cost that would be lower than the cost of a similar ready-to-eat product.  This situation will be driving further development of the frozen products market whose most promising segment will be the production of hi-technology meals, notably ready-to-eat lunches».