Produkty Pitania Company greets Kaliningrad on its birthday
— 2008-09-14 —

This year citizens of Kaliningrad celebrated the birthday of their city in September. Celebration events were held across the city on September 13 – 14.

Kaliningrad is a young and rapidly developing city and Produkty Pitania Company is characterized by the same attributes. We have been growing and developing together with the city for 10 years and we have celebrated its birthday together with its citizens!

Our company took part in celebration activities by giving away Zolotoy Petushok air balloons to raise their celebration spirits. The event was organized within the celebration area that begins at the crossroads of Theater St. and Leninsky Avenue. Excellent spirits was the gift the company offered to all residents of Kaliningrad who happened to attend celebration activities in the areas from Victory Square to the City Zoo and from Central Park to the City Zoo so that people could take the celebration atmosphere home and share it with their friends and relatives!