What points of sale does the company use apart from chain stores?
— 2009-05-18 —

Tea Grguric, Produkty Pitania Vice-President for Marketing
As opposed to the early nineties when supermarkets were non-existent and all products were sold at bazaars, chains of retail stores provide the key distribution channel for us with over 78% of our products sold through the chains. 51% of them are sold at supermarkets, 21% - at regular groceries, 17% - at grocery bazaars, and 11% at mini-markets. Our company has enjoyed cooperating with Food Service organizations. Involvement in HoReCa dictates different approaches to production, sales and promotion. It also takes a special team and additional investments.
High product quality and service standards help us retain these relationships.
Given the existing crisis conditions growth in HoReCa has slowed down but experts predict growth pace to accelerate in 2009-2011. Despite the trends observed today we can still see the strong potential of the segment in the future. The use of convenience products in the sector helps save time and efforts thus ensuring optimal prices for most of courses typically preferred by consumers.
Produkty Pitania considers HoReCa to be a highly promising area of focus in terms of distribution of frozen convenience products.